Our Work - Evidence Based Health Care - Treat Mental Illness - Promote Mental Health - Digital Health Assessment and Innovation - Intervention for Depression - Digital Phenotyping and Therapeutics - The Center for Digital Mental Health

Our Work

Our work is supported by investigator-initiated industry sponsorships, federal (NIH) and foundation grants, and philanthropy. Our research focuses on the following key areas:

Developing and Testing New Technologies

    Using ecologically-valid and big data-driven approaches, including digital phenotyping and wearable biosensors, to predict risk and identify early points of mental health intervention.
    Developing and testing novel, digital solutions to enhance access to evidence-based mental health tools and interventions. Engaging in user-centered design that involves key stakeholders. Using data-driven approaches to understand how and for whom digital approaches to mental health care work. Focusing on inclusion, so that digital solutions are available and appropriate to everyone.

Implementation of

Evidence-based scalable health solutions to expand the capabilities of the current mental health care system, including addressing disparities in care and addressing the youth mental health crisis in K-12 and higher education.


Sharing Knowledge

Developing and disseminating training and educational opportunities in evidence-based, scalable mental health methods and practice.

  • To learn more about training opportunities for pre-doctoral interns and post-doctoral fellows in psychology, see training.
  • For information about trainings for clinicians, see https://mghcme.org.
  • For information about consultations with our team, see consulting.
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